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Welcome to Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing

Jul 12

3 min read




I'm looking forward to working with you in counseling. This form is to inform you about your rights as a client and to tell you what to expect during our sessions together.

Understanding Counseling Sessions

There’s no such thing as a typical counseling session. You’re unique, and the challenges in your life are unique. My role as your counselor is to help you express what you’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing. I will accompany you as you explore yourself, your problems, your life situation, and your personal experiences. Generally, I won’t tell you what to do in your life; instead, I’ll help you focus on your own thoughts and feelings.

The Counseling Experience

Counseling is not a neutral experience. It requires you to face yourself more completely than you do in your ordinary life. It’s like scrutinizing yourself in a mirror. Even though the mirror doesn’t judge you, you may feel judgmental about things you see. As you explore yourself, you may feel both pain and joy. If you have questions or concerns about counseling, feel free to ask anytime. I’ll do my best to respond to your queries.

Overall, counseling is an excellent opportunity for you to explore who you are, what you want, and how you want to live. I’m delighted to accompany you on your journey of self-discovery.

Therapeutic Relationship and Commitment

If during the assessment period or at any other time in our relationship, either you or I decide that I am not the right therapist for you, I will be happy to refer you to another therapist.

  1. Session Scheduling: We have agreed to meet once a week. Our first session will be at [time], and the fee agreed upon is USD [amount] per session, paid in advance. Payment methods include bank transfer and online payment platforms.

  2. Session Duration: Each session lasts 50 minutes. It is important for effective therapy to maintain a regular and continuous commitment. If circumstances make it difficult for you to attend, we can discuss the possibility of rescheduling.

  3. Punctuality: I will be ready for you at the appointed time. Please try to arrive on time. If you arrive late or do not show up for any reason, the session will still finish at the appointed time, and you will be charged for the full session.

  4. Therapy Space: I will take all reasonable precautions to keep our therapy space free from interruptions. I ask you to respect this space by not accepting mobile calls during sessions.

  5. Confidentiality: Everything that happens in our sessions remains confidential, with a few exceptions:

  • For supervisory purposes, aspects of our work may be discussed, but your identity will remain protected.

  • If I believe you are likely to cause serious harm to yourself or others, I may contact medical professionals involved in your care without prior consultation with you if necessary.

  1. Contact: You have my phone number in case you need to text me for something important. Please allow time for me to respond. I cannot guarantee availability on weekends or during breaks unless arranged in advance. For cancellations, please inform me at least 48 hours before our regular time.

  2. Record Keeping: I am required to keep records of our therapy, including your contact details, medication, contact with other professionals, and session attendance. Notes made after sessions are for supervisory purposes and are bound by the same confidentiality codes.

  3. Holidays: I will notify you well in advance of any planned holidays. Please inform me two weeks in advance if you plan to take a holiday.

  4. Missed Sessions: If you are unable to attend a session due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, please call at least a day in advance. We may be able to reschedule, but please note that due to other clients, this may not always be possible.

  5. Ending Therapy: If either of us feels it is time to end therapy, we will discuss and decide on the best approach. Sometimes, a series of sessions to review our work is beneficial before making a final decision.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure a productive and supportive therapeutic relationship. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.


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